Dr Joel S Yudken
High Road Strategies provides thorough, definitive analyses and assessments of policy alternatives.
We offer an independent approach focused on comprehensive yet effective solutions, through:
Clients rely on us to help identify and evaluate the best policies and strategies to solve pressing economic, environmental and workforce issues.
Our ServicesThe High Road merges diverse interests into broad solutions.
We actively include the views of industry, labor, NGOs and other stakeholders – utilizing our broad experience and expertise in:
By incorporating stakeholder perspectives in the analytical and policy design process we ensure the results of our work are realistic, relevant, useful – and credible.
Our empirical and systems-based approach – often done in collaboration with top economic experts and modelers – allows us to offer our clients smart policy solutions.
About UsCheck out our many studies on energy, climate change and manufacturing competitiveness, available online and in print
Read MoreThe Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) recently dodged consideration by the Obama Administration to shed the federal government’s role in its ownership. Because of worries that TVA’s bond debt could exceed its $30 billion statutory cap and thus impact the federal debt, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) had suggested severing federal ties with the […]
October 30, 2015In June, a new report by High Road Strategies, LLC (HRS), conducted jointly with IHS Economics, a leading international business and economic analysis firm, was released, summarizing the findings of an independent assessment of the workforce readiness challenge confronting the unconventional energy (shale gas and tight oil) supply chain. With the surge in “unconventional” oil […]
August 27, 2015Led research study, produced report assessing the workforce readiness challenges confronting the unconventional energy supply chain. (2014-2015)
Produced report assessing the potential impacts of privatizing the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), and making the case why it’s a bad idea. (2014-2015)
Produced report, assessing the economic impacts of the U.S. military’s plan, led by the Navy and Air Force, to replace half the fuels used in its marine and aircraft fleets by advanced biofuels by 2020. (2012)
Joel is an incredibly knowledgeable go-to resource for us based on his background and expertise in the nexus of manufacturing, energy, and policy. His contributions to our projects are top-notch: thoughtful, thorough and balanced.
Scott Miller DirectorHigh Road Strategies engaged a wide variety of stakeholders to produce an objective, comprehensive analysis of the potential impacts of climate change policies on energy-intensive industries. To date, it remains the most thorough examination of this critical policy issue.
Jason Grumet President